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What is ergothioneine?


 What is ergothioneine? 

Ergothioneine is a thiol compound that can be naturally synthesized by actinomycetes, fungi, cyanobacteria, and other microorganisms. Ergothioneine is synthesized by fermentation of engineering bacteria, replacing the extraction process of natural raw materials such as mushroom and ergot.

The detailed spec. as below:

  • CAS: 497-30-3

  • Assay: HPLC≥98%

  • Purity: HPLC≥99%

  • Appearance: White powder

  • Solubility: Easily soluble in water

 Ergothioneine effects on health benefits: 

1. Anti-aging

Ergothioneine is considered a "longevity vitamin" because of its strong antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory activity, which has a good effect on biological survival and even anti-aging. The mechanism of action of ergothioneine against aging

  • Inhibit the expression of FOXO-dependent genes in the cytoplasm and transfer FOXO to the nucleus, thereby activating the P13K/AKT pathway and reducing oxidative stress;

  • Increase SIRT6 activity, thereby regulating DNA repair;

  • Inhibits mTOR, thereby stopping the aging process and prolonging life.


1.  Anti-oxidant;

Mechanism of action of ergothioneine antioxidant

  • Scavenging cellular reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide;

  • Up-regulate the expression of oxidative defense pathway proteins, such as triggering the binding of Nrf2 to ARE, thereby activating antioxidant genes;

  • Combines with metal ions such as copper ions to reduce the generation of free radicals.

2. Anti-inflammatory;

Ergothioneine regulates the body's inflammatory response and has a reduced risk of inflammatory diseases such as heart disease and arthritis.

Ergothioneine effects


3. Whitening and freckle removal;

4. Repairring UV damage; Anti-photoaging, ultraviolet ray resistance.

Mechanism of action of ergothioneine against photoaging

  • Inhibition of the up-regulation of keratinocyte reactive oxygen species (ROS), pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, TNFa) and keratinocyte apoptosis proteins (CleavedPARP, Procaspase-8) after UVB irradiation;

  • Maintain collagen homeostasis in fibroblasts.


How to use the ergothioneine?

  • Ergothioneine has now been included in the "List of Used Cosmetic Raw Materials";

  • In the food and nutrition direction, ergothioneine has been authorized as a novel food in Europe, and United States FDA has also passed GRAS certification;

For Example,

  1. The European Union (EU) 2017/1281 approved L-EGT as a new food ingredient that can be used in dietary supplements and stipulates 30 mg per day for the general population and 20 mg per day for children over 3 years of age, which is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

  2. The European Union (EU) 2018/462  expanded the scope of use of L-EGT, in addition to dietary supplements, can also be applied in beverages, cereal bars and other common foods.

  3. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has determined that ErgoActive® (EGT) is generally considered safe under "intended conditions of use." This designation means that product manufacturers can incorporate EGT into a wide range of consumer products, including cosmetics, food and health products.

  4. The Japanese market began to introduce  functional foods containing EGT, focusing on improving the memory function of the elderly.

  • Medicine is also available.


What plants/animals contain this L-ergothioneine powder?


  • L-ergothioneine is a sulfur containing (metabolite of histidine) diet derived amino acid. It is synthesized in Actinomycetales bacteria and non-yeast fungi.

  • The highest concentrations of ergothioneine are found in mushrooms, particularly Boletus edulis (porcini mushroom, 528.14 mg/kg) and Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom, 118.91 mg/kg).

  • The l-ergothioneine derived from mushrooms has been shown to be bioavailable (taken up by red blood cells) within one hour of consumption.

  • It is also found in relatively high concentration in liver (chicken, 10.78 mg/kg), black turtle beans (13.49 mg/kg), red kidney beans (4.52 mg/kg), and oat bran (4.41 mg/kg).

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