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What are the functions and application areas of calcium β - hydroxymethyl butyrate (CaHMB)


What is Calcium HMB?

Calcium β-hydroxy -β- methyl butyrate CaHMB (abbreviated as HMB) is a calcium salt of butyrate with the molecular formula C10H18O6Ca-H2O.HMB is an intermediate metabolite of the essential amino acid leucine, which is produced by the human body at a rate of about 300-400 mg per day, 90% of which is derived from the catabolism of leucine. originates from the catabolism of leucine. Leucine is considered an effective nutritional supplement for increasing strength, building muscle and reducing body fat. Leucine has also been used for many years to prevent muscle fatigue and soreness. Historical studies have suggested that leucine slows the breakdown of muscle proteins, or protein hydrolysis. However, it is actually the HMB in leucine that slows down the degradation of this protein. Over the long term, the combination of benefits provided by leucine and HMB can make a huge difference in exercise routines and body composition.HMB-Ca has been used in several experimental clinical applications for enteral nutritional support, and its use in formulas for special medical purposes will become a hot new research topic, as well as having a high profile in clinical application studies.


What are the effects  ?

HMB is the key active metabolite of leucine, which plays an important role in protein synthesis and cleavage, and has the effect of promoting muscle protein synthesis, inhibiting muscle protein decomposition, reducing inflammatory response, stabilizing cell membrane, etc., as follows:

1.Absorption of protein

HMB-Ca works in two ways: increasing protein synthesis while decreasing protein breakdown. This combined function means that the body can more effectively gain lean body mass and build muscle and strength. While building muscle and increasing strength, continued supplementation with HMB-Ca can also increase athleticism and reduce muscle breakdown. As muscle is gained, metabolism increases and workout levels skyrocket. Studies have shown that depending on an individual's fitness level and type of exercise, proper supplementation with HMB-Ca produces varying degrees of boosts.


2. Increase strength

One study compared the results of strength performance in sedentary overweight women before and after six weeks of HMB-Ca supplementation. The significant impact was a marked improvement in their strength performance after six weeks (without following regular weight training). This study proves that supplementing with HMB-Ca can increase muscle strength without exercise and is effective even in overweight sedentary individuals. Individuals who were new to high-intensity training benefited most from HMB-Ca. Since new high-intensity workout exercises increase the likelihood of muscle damage that needs to be repaired, HMB-Ca can have a huge positive effect.


3. Helps with recovery

People who want to build muscle may engage in intense exercise that results in muscle damage. Intense training can lead to muscle soreness and longer recovery times. Experienced athletes often use HMB-Ca after training to reduce muscle soreness, damage, and shorten recovery time by promoting muscle synthesis. HMB-Ca allows these people to see muscle building results faster.


4. Enhance aerobic endurance

A study was done on elite rowers to compare the effects of HMB-Ca on endurance cardiovascular training. Supplementing with HMB for twelve weeks increased the athletes' maximal oxygen uptake (VO2) and decreased their body fat. The study also suggests that supplementation with HMB-Ca may also have a positive effect on peak anaerobic capacity.


5. Weight Control

People who take HMB-Ca and reduce their calorie intake at the same time can lose weight, helping to stay in shape while losing fat mass. It is very effective for people who want to lose weight without losing muscle. Another study that examined changes in HMB levels with age showed a significant downward trend in HMB with age, which may be related to muscle atrophy. The study also found that the higher the HMB levels the stronger the muscle mass.

How to use?

HMB-Ca supplements often come in powder or capsule form HMB-Ca is also often sold in combination with creatine due to their similar cumulative effects. Several different studies have consistently shown that supplementing with HMB for two weeks prior to intensified training gives the best results.

Preparatory Phase Dose: 1g at a time, 3g/day for two weeks until the start of training exercise

Impact phase: 3g/day at a time, at least one hour prior to impact exercise

Maintenance phase: 1-2g/day, single or multiple doses, optimal 30-60 minutes prior to exercise

Market Regulations

According to the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Administration of New Resource Foods, Calcium β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate was approved by the Ministry of Health of China as a new food ingredient in Announcement No. 1 of 2011, and its consumption is stipulated to be ≤3g/day. Its scope of use is sports nutrition food, formula food for special medical purposes, and is not suitable for pregnant women, lactating women, infants and children.version)

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