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Can you overdose on coQ10?

4 benefits of coQ10 to our human body:

1. Increase energy levels

CoQ10 helps in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the main source of energy in the body. the presence of CoQ10 can increase the energy level of the body, which in turn improves the body’s functioning and resistance.

2. Enhance heart health

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, and CoQ10 has been shown to improve heart health by increasing ventricular contractility and reducing the risk of irregular heartbeats. In addition, CoQ10 can lower blood pressure and improve atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

3. Anti-aging

CoQ10 has antioxidant effect, which can reduce the damage of human cells by free radicals, thus slowing down cell aging. Long-term intake of CoQ10 can help people have healthier and younger looking skin.

4. Improve immune system

CoQ10 can strengthen and improve the immune system, which is necessary to maintain the health of the body, CoQ10 can not only enhance the immune function, but also reduce the symptoms of many autoimmune diseases.

coQ10 overdose:

The most common side effects are digestive problems such as nausea, upset stomach and diarrhea. Other possible side effects include rashes, insomnia, and muscle weakness. Although CoQ10 is generally considered safe, certain people may be allergic to it or have adverse reactions to it, including those taking anticoagulant medications or anti-hypertensive medications.

So what is a CoQ10 overdose? Studies have shown that it is safe for most adults to consume up to 50 milligrams of CoQ10 per day. However, exceeding this dose may increase the risk of side effects. If you suspect that you have ingested too much CoQ10, you should stop using it immediately and consult your doctor.

Is it safe to increase the dosage of coQ10?

Regarding the safety of CoQ10, long-term supplementation with CoQ10 at doses of 200 mg/day or higher is safe and well tolerated, and significantly increases plasma CoQ10 concentrations and reduces oxidative stress and death from cardiovascular causes.

However, for CoQ10 use, the Chinese Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) has set the recommended daily consumption of CoQ10 supplements at no more than 50 mg. Some studies have shown that doses of up to 500 mg per day have also been shown to be well tolerated, and some studies have used higher doses without any serious side effects.

However, mild gastrointestinal reactions to CoQ10, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, have been reported in some rare patients.
